The Poetry Meets Series OTA in progress
Fri, 27 May
The Poetry Meets Series is an international, multilingual interactive community event. Hosted by Jumoke Adeyanju, the line-up is a remarkable conglomerate of soulful, multilingual wordsmiths, musicians and DJs.

Time & Location
27 May 2022, 18:30 EAT
NCAI, P.O. Box 49172-00100, Limuru Rd, Nairobi, Kenya
About the event
Jumoke Adeyanju presents her ongoing research project OTA [swahili: to dream/outreaching transfigurative alterations] and a segment of her event series @poetrymeets__ at NCAI this Friday from 7pm-9pm. The Poetry Meets Series is an international, multilingual interactive community event. Hosted by Jumoke Adeyanju, the line-up is a remarkable conglomerate of soulful, multilingual wordsmiths, musicians and DJs. OTA is an exploration of lucid dreamscapes that lead one into (im)possibilities of being, alternate paradises and past time frames. Presented as an audio-visual experience incorporating sound art, writing, and dance, OTA sonically engages these different artforms to create a series of visualized adventures, memory storehouses and ancestral histories in collaboration with artists living and working in Nairobi. TURN2 RESIDENCY is a partnership between the German Federal Cultural Foundation @kulturstiftungdesbundes, the Center for Arts and Urbanistics (ZK/U) and the @trianglenetwork, TURN2 - Curatorial Research Residencies are held in partnership with @ncai254 in Nairobi, @bagfactoryart in Johannesburg , @gasfoundation in Lagos and in Berlin. TURN 2 aims to facilitate research for emerging curators and cultural practitioners by supporting international collaborations and knowledge sharing opportunities.